PolkaWar Testnet Comes To Life

PolkaWar NFT Gaming
3 min readJun 28, 2022


We are proud to announce the launch of the decentralized and NFT-based fighting game PolkaWar on the Binance Smart Chain testnet for final testing and evaluation before it goes live on the Binance Smart Chain mainnet. To test the initial configuration, you simply have to acquire PWAR tokens from the faucet. You can access the faucet at https://game.polkawar.com/faucet. Simply connect your MetaMask wallet, switch over to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) testnet and you will be able to acquire a few tokens for testing the game in its initial stage.

Once you have a few testnet BNB tokens, you can simply head over to http://play.polkawar.com/ and test the game in real-time!

Connecting To Binance Smart Chain “Testnet”

There is a difference between the Binance Smart Chain testnet and the mainnet. Since we are dealing with the testnet, we must use a different RPC to connect to the network. You can check the detailed guide here.

Or you can simply enter the following information after adding the network inside MetaMask


Network Name: Smart Chain — Testnet

New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/

ChainID: 97

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com

About PolkaWar

PolkaWar is a cross-chain decentralized fighting game, that integrates NFTs and competitive gaming aspects. PolkaWar creates a vivid fighting world for players to develop their characters and engage in combat with each other. There would be different weapons and equipment to arm one’s in-game character with. The game system will have 3 types of characters Warrior, Archer, and Magician. Their weapon system includes Sword, Big Knife, Bow & Arrow, Gun, Tessen, Scepter, and Magic Vase. The equipment system would be Armor, Helmet, Wing, and Mount. Each item will be designed according to the level upgrade model, with each level’s different stats and advancement conditions.

✅ Website https://polkawar.com

✅ Game Portal https://game.polkawar.com

✅ Telegram https://t.me/polkawar

✅ Telegram discussion https://t.me/polkawarchat

✅ Twitter https://twitter.com/polkawarnft

✅ Github https://github.com/polkawar

✅ Medium https://medium.com/@polkawar

✅ Whitepaper https://polkawar.com/docs/whitepaper.pdf

✅ Coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/polkawar

✅ CoinMarketcap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/polkawar/

✅ PancakeSwap https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x16153214e683018d5aa318864c8e692b66e16778



PolkaWar NFT Gaming
PolkaWar NFT Gaming

Written by PolkaWar NFT Gaming

PolkaWar is a blockchain based NFT gaming platform and marketplace, innovative DeFi and NFT Gaming Platform. Website https://polkawar.com

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