PolkaWar x Wizard Finance AMA Recap

PolkaWar NFT Gaming
5 min readAug 11, 2021



Q1 — Hello To The Warriors !!! So We Would Like To Hear Something About You Guys. Why Don’t You Introduce Yourselves?

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

PolkaWar is a blockchain based NFT gaming platform and marketplace.

Inspired by the recent crypto NFT and gaming narratives, PolkaWar will combine and synergize them both to build an attractive platform.

The game allows every player to build a character and participate in battle against other players.

Further, PolkaWar will also include an NFT marketplace, where players can sell their items, weapons and upgraded equipment for crypto. Some of the items can even be redeemed for real world replicas.

✅ Website https://polkawar.com

✅ Game Portal https://game.polkawar.com/

✅ Telegram https://t.me/polkawar

✅ Telegram discussion https://t.me/polkawarchat

✅ Twitter https://twitter.com/polkawarnft

✅ Github https://github.com/polkawar

✅ Medium https://medium.com/@polkawar

✅ Whitepaper https://polkawar.com/docs/whitepaper.pdf

✅ Coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/polkawar

I’m Jackson Mohr, CEO & Co-Founder of PolkaWar. Graduating from the National University of Singapore in 2002, I have many years of experience in the field of 2d & 3d Game programming.

Knowing the cryptocurrency market in 2016 as an investor, I have a lot of experience in the field of investment and management

In addition, I have more than 5 years of experience in the field of Blockchain programming.

Q2 — So Polkawar Is A Decentralized Fighting Game Platform On The Blockchain Network Tell Us More About The Project We Are All Eager To Have A Deeper Insight.

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

PolkaWar is a blockchain based NFT gaming platform and marketplace. Inspired by the recent crypto NFT and gaming narratives, PolkaWar will combine and synergize them both to build an attractive platform.

The game allows every player to build a character and participate in battle against other players. Further, PolkaWar will also include an NFT marketplace, where players can sell their items, weapons and upgraded equipment for crypto. Some of the items can even be redeemed for real world replicas.

Q3 — Moving To The Third Question Tell Us About The Reasons Behind Going For The Casper Network. They Are So New In The Market !! What Were The Qualities You Saw In Them While Taking That Decision And Was That A Right One ??

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

Interesting question. Casper network is a new blockchain platform that has many advantages and differences compared to the rest of the competitors. It inherits the good aspects of the Ethereum blockchain and improves on its weaknesses, such as the problem of almost zero transaction fees and very fast speeds, using POS.

Moreover we wanted to try something new, especially the Casper ecosystem is small, so we decided to aim to Casper. I believe that if PolkaWar successfully builds on Casper NetWork, it will be a very significant breakthrough for us. Of course, the first step is still to run on Binance Smart Chain first

Q4 — While Going Through Your Whitepaper I came across Polkawar Logistic ! Indeed A Unique Concept Very New To The Wizards Here. Could You Share The Idea Behind This Innovative Concept.

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

Cool. You know, what people, especially game players like, want to own in-game items. They want to own it in the real world. PolkaWar Logistics system allows players to directly own their NFT items in the real world. All NFT items on the market can be converted to physical items.

Example: You have a sword (NFT item) level 1 and you want to own that sword at your home. You just need to send the request to the PolkaWar Logistics system. PolkaWar team will process and deliver it to you at the required address.

This is how PolkaWar Logistics System work

We have connections with a number of small merchants, so the supply of items is not an issue. We will go through some legal issues, before deploying this module

Q5 — So Finally The Wizard Community Would Like To Know The Purpose Behind Polkawar Integrating Chainlink’s VRF In Your Project

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

Great. Chainlink’s VRF is a technology used to generate random values for an object, for example, random number generator, random items, random rewards for winning matches, random experience stats for characters.

It ensures fairness from the system side, without the intervention of editing from 3rd parties, thereby creating a fairer and more attractive game system.

PART 2 — Telegram Questions

Q1 — what makes PWAR different from other NFT games i have to choose PWAR as my investment

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

1. PlayToEarn Trending with many different forms such as playing games, buying and selling NFT items on Marketplace , participating in item auctions, FlashSale events

2. Low cap: Current Marketcap only 2M$ ( https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/polkawar/ )

3. Multichain gaming platform (BSC is main, others: Casper, ETH, Layer-2)

4. The team knows how to work smart and efficiently :)

Q2 — Are you considering to get listed on the new Exchange soon? Are there any top tier exchange on your list? Also, are there exchanges that you are currently negotiating?

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

We will list the first top tier-2 exchanges next week. Stay tuned and follow at @polkawar

Q3 — Explain about PolkaWar staking

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

You can participate in staking PWAR on the PolkaBridge Staking platform, at https://stake.polkabridge.org


Stake $PWAR, earn $PWAR, $UFARM, $SOKU, $ORO at Unifram platform https://bsc.unifarm.co/

Q4 — First of all, welcome. I wish you success. For us investors, security is a priority. How is our security? Advertising and promotion are very important in this market, have you allocated a budget for this? will there be mobile support in the games @jacksonmohr

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

Security is always a top priority in systems, especially game systems.

We have a number of solutions as follows:

1. Backend: SmartContract will be audited properly before the game is released. The game won’t run if the smart contract hasn’t been audited

2. Frontend: There will be anti-BOT mode from players

3. Multi-server system will be deployed to ensure DDOS prevention and the system runs as smoothly as possible.

Marketing: We always develop marketing daily, weekly, to introduce more investors to PolkaWar. Budget is not an issue for us, the top criterion is still choosing the best influencers and KOLs. First, we will run the game on the website platform first and then we will develop the application for mobile devices later.Of course we will try to make the game run as smoothly as possible.

Q5 — What is the way to generate profit / revenue of your project?What is the income model?

Jackson Mohr | CEO & Co-Founder Of PolkaWar

This is a good question.

PolkaWar’s revenue comes from:

1. Transaction fees of players on the marketplace and in the game

2. NFT item purchase fee for game characters from players

Of course, token value is still the most important factor.

I think that as long as we do well, we will attract more players and the value of PWAR token will grow strongly.



PolkaWar NFT Gaming

PolkaWar is a blockchain based NFT gaming platform and marketplace, innovative DeFi and NFT Gaming Platform. Website https://polkawar.com